Budburst in the Grampians

Budburst in the Grampians

Every spring, winemakers, viticulturists, and the vines, get excited. It’s budburst time. The vines wake up from their winter slumber, invigorated by the warmth of the spring sun. For winemakers and viticulturists it’s the first look at the potential of the new vintage ahead.

What is budburst?

What is budburst?

Grape vines are deciduous. After fruiting in summer they lose their leaves during autumn and go into dormancy for winter. In early spring grape vines use the energy stored in their roots and wood to create new leaves. These leaves burst from their buds, hence the term “budburst”.

Why does budburst matter?

Why does budburst matter?

Budburst is the “kick-off” for the season. It is a critical point for predicting the health, yield and quality of the upcoming vintage.

Is budburst timing different for each varietal?

Is budburst different for each varietal?

The air temperature, soil temperature and variety of the vine all play a role in when budburst occurs. In cool climate regions, like the Grampians, budburst typically occurs later compared to warmer regions. That means it’s generally early October for us whereas a warmer climate like the Barossa or Hunter Valley, tend to experience budburst in September.

The varietal can also make a difference.

Nebbiolo and Viognier are early-sprouting varietals. Interestingly, Nebbiolo is one of the first to bud but among the last to ripen, making it a risky grape to grow due to its increased vulnerability to weather and disease.

On the other hand, Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the last varietals to burst.

What does Adam think of budburst this year?

What does Adam think of budburst this year?

“Budburst is about average this year. We’ve had a mild winter with very little rain. We’re hoping for high quality grapes but it’s likely the yields will be lower.” – Adam Louder, SubRosa co-founder and winemaker.

budburst at subrosa winery in the grampians
the new budburst of vines happening in the grampians at subrosa winery
the vines bursting with buds for the new grape season in the grampians at subrosa winery

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